Genesis 37, 28-36: First the brothers wanted to let Joseph die in the shaft of a dry well. Since they didn’t want to carry the burden of his murder they decided to sell Joseph to Egypt.
To cover up their action they slaughtered a billy goat, dunked Joseph’s splendid coat into the blood and showed this bloodstained coat to their father Jacob. They told him the lie that Joseph had been killed by a wild animal.
Only Joseph’s brother Ruben was bothered by his conscience, he got pangs of guilt about their bad action, and he wanted to save Joseph – but he was too late.
Only in
Genesis 42, 21-22 Joseph’s brothers show that they regretted having done their bad deed.
Genesis 45, 4-15 Joseph makes it clear to his brothers who he is, and he gives them not only forgiveness but also his love. For him the bad deed of his brothers belongs to God’s plan for his people
In the Christian world Joseph is often seen and understood as an allegory of Jesus. Both Joseph and Jesus came to Egypt by force. Both were ‘favourite sons’. When Jesus was baptised a voice from heaven said: “This is my beloved son!”
That’s why the image of how Joseph was thrown into the well-hole, in art/paintings, is often understood as an image of baptism.
Josef - selling to Egypt - Conscience - Guilt - Forgiveness - acceptance of the brothers - Josef