Overriding aims of ACROSS THE BIBLE Realizing the value of the Bible and its presence in our everyday language, in art, architecture, literature, law, films, commercials, music, street signs, personal relationships ... across countries Developing a growing awareness of a common Christian heritage and of a common cross-cultural knowledge, by using a foreign language and ICT as common tools, to communicate effectively acrossborders cognitive educational component Reading, illustrating biblical texts and discussing aspects like truth, justice, friendship, love, generosity, forgiveness, violence, peace, family life, freedom of choice emotional educational component Making friends across Europe Do for others - what you would have them do for you. Matthew 7,12 |
European youth meets the Bible, reflects on values to communicate thoughts and emotions , in an imaginative way, by using English and ICT. 5 of 9 ATB-Schools created their own websites or blogs for Across The Bible http://acrossthebibleportugal.blogspot.com Escola Secundária D. Dinis, Lisbon: http://www.malhatlantica.pt/acrossbible_ddinis Peter-Petersen-Schule, Frankfurt am Main: http://www.peterpetersen.acrossthebible.eu Dimitrie Anghel School Cornesti-Miroslawa http://blog.eun.org/acrossthebible Szkola Podstawowa nr 1 im. gen. Stanislawa Dabka w Lubaczowie http://sp1christmas.blogspot.com/ Lasnamäe Lasteaed-Algkool http://www.AcrosstheBible.blogspot.com/ - Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Tadeusza Kościuszki - Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących im. Władysława Jagiełły in Urzędów - Samorzadowa Szkola Podstawowa Nr 1 Im. Emilii Peck Pelkosenniemen lukio ja perusopetus |
ATB and ICT |
European eTwinning Conference Brussels, February 23rd-25th 2007 |
Exodus 32 |
Escola Secundária D. Dinis Lisbon Portugal |
Comprehensive School Peter-Petersen Frankfurt am Main Germany |